El chato de berbinzana

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because she was going with that little creature. Without another thought in those hard and painful moments, she went to the back of the prison where there was a pine grove and lifting the little bundle towards the prison she hoped that her husband would be able to see her new daughter. The double misfortune is that my mother never knew her father nor did her father know her.

When the buses were leaving Pamplona in the direction of Monreal, some of them struggled. When they arrived at the place called «la Tejeria», several graves had already been prepared. They were taken out in groups, tied with wire in pairs, while several priests gave confession (damn them all!). After murdering them, a requeté supposedly gave them the coup de grâce by throwing them into the graves.

There were 502 people shot in the whole Merindad and at least 3,162 in the whole of Navarra, a place where there was never a «war front» as the coup triumphed from day one, not to mention the widows who were made to ingest castor oil and had their heads shaved. My grandmother Claudia did not suffer that humiliation and we still do not know why.

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The leaders of the escape shot in Pamplona were: Gerardo Aguado Gómez, Teodoro Aguado Gómez, Bautista Álvarez Blanco, Calixto Carbonero Nieto, Antonio Casas Mateo, Daniel Elorza Ormaetxea, Antonio Escudero Alconero, Ricardo Fernández Cabal, Francisco Herrero Casado, Francisco Hervas Salome, Primitivo Miguel Frechilla, Miguel Nieto Gallego, Rafael Pérez García and Baltasar Rabanillo Rodríguez.

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Lucio Gutiérrez Hernández (UGT mayor), Ezequiel Insausti Lorente (UGT councilman), Lorenzo Moreno González (UGT councilman), Julián Ruiz Abadía (UGT councilman), Felipe Ruiz Osés (UGT councilman), Ambrosio Sesma González (UGT councilman).

Jacinto Yanguas Fernández (Mayor), Demetrio Andrés Fernández (UGT Councilman), Miguel Barea Muro (UGT Councilman), Carlos Bermejo García (Councilman, UGT Deputy Mayor), Juan Cruz Fernández Ayala (UGT Councilman).

Florencio Alfaro Zabalegui (councilman of IR), Gregorio Angulo Martinena (councilman and president of PSOE), Corpus Dorronsoro Arteta (councilman of PSOE), Victorino García Enciso (councilman of IR in 31), Mariano Sáez Morilla (councilman of PSOE in 31), Ignacio Sampedro Chocolonea (councilman of PSOE), Leandro Villafranca Losarcos (president of Frente Popular).

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Among the paramilitary bands that directly exercised political cleansing in Navarre, we know only briefly the characteristics of the one that operated from Pamplona, the so-called Black Eagle or Eagle Squad. The Black Squadron of Tudela is also superficially known. In any case, although the figure of the Chato de Berbinzana group has been mentioned repeatedly, as well as the responsibility of the aforementioned Eagle Squadron of the Pamplona Falange, in relation to the hot political cleansing, it is evident that they could not have been responsible for all the sackings of the period, above all, because the coincidence of dates of collective massacres in very different places of the Navarre geography makes think in the simultaneous action of several squadrons. On the other hand, it should also be mentioned that, without prejudice to the fact that individuals of both the Falange and the Traditionalism could converge in these squads, in addition to these groups of Falangist militancy, others of requeté militancy must have also acted, given the importance of the detention center run by the Carlists in Pamplona (in Escolapios) and given the existence of some punctual testimonies for certain localities that exist about it. It is also deeply striking that there is very little information on the repressive agents in Tierra Estella, a region whose southern zone was severely punished.

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Many Francoists were sadists. El Chato de Berbinzana was an executioner who took pleasure in filling the trucks with Republicans, shooting them and then ridiculing the dead. The black eagle was a mentally ill Falangist, most of those he killed were previously subjected to all kinds of humiliations. Timoteo Escalera, the corporal of death, was insatiable with the Republican prisoners, crimes, rapes, tortures. He chased the women to give them ricin and peel them. He ordered the execution picket to urinate on the corpses.

The corpse of Juan Bemejo Rox was found next to Chivite. Both were tied together with a wire tied at the level of the forearms. Five days later, five men and a teacher from the Pamplona Normal School were brought to the same place. The Falangists said: «We are bringing a crazy woman who does not stop screaming, we are going to kill her and bury her here with the others» They killed her pregnant, despite her condition they had beaten her to death after raping her several times. Her husband was killed a few days before her. The 5 men were from Ibero and Orotbia, now they have been unearthed together. One of those shot wore false teeth that his son recognized immediately.